Core Emotional Addictions Certification Training


The comprehensive certification training in the Core Emotional Addictions Model (CEAM) is held over a minimum of four meetings of three days each (Friday through Sunday); the speed of completion may vary according to students' prior training as therapists, their ease with loving self-awareness, and in turn their developed capacities for remaining in clear and loving presence with clients and attuned to their nervous systems. Overall, the process is iterative and designed to be supportive of the students’ efforts as they engage in the application of the Core Emotional Addiction Model. In that spirit, the completion of the certification program may take as long as it takes for the student to feel competent in working with the model.

Built into the program are intervals of two months between sessions designed to give students the space to practice their learning, to keep a journal on their successes and challenges with the integration of the Model’s components, and to reflect on their own spiritual and professional growth. The teacher is available between sessions to answer any questions that might arise.

Phase I of the certification program introduces students to the relevance and implications of the latest research on heart intelligence, on trauma, and interpersonal neurobiology in healing from self-defeating behaviors and compulsions; as well as to the spiritual dimension of the authentic-self as a central resource to well-being. The focus is on becoming familiar with the psychoeducational component of the core emotional addictions model which explains how the body becomes physically dependent on the chemical effect of repeated emotional states; with the particular use and administration of the family of origin questionnaires; and with the modeling of the heart-focused breathing practice, as taught at the Center, to help with self-regulation.

Phase II of the certification program focuses on learning how imprints (the neural pathways that have become the unconscious lens through which we interpret ourselves and the world) are forged, not only in the ecosystem of childhood, but often cross-generationally transmitted; on how to identify imprints and their accompanying core emotional addictions; how to use and administer the core emotional addictions questionnaires, and how to create the ego-neurology grid that captures the stuck emotional energies that keep the self-defeating imprint-behavior loops active. Students are introduced to self-reflective practices that integrate heart-focused breathing techniques taught earlier.

Phase III of the certification program focuses on practices that help sustain shifts from old emotional stories attached to past trauma to new creative emotional/cognitive stories that nourish the experience of the authentic self. Students will learn to identify dimensions of the authentic-self as both authentic needs and the very expressions of the authentic-self.

Phase IV is dedicated to students’ presentations of the various components central to the adaptation and integration of the Core Emotional Addictions Model into their own practices. Students and teacher will engage in review and discussion of the overall experience and the competencies acquired as delineated in the training manual.

Leading and Healing with Authentic Being Rather than Credentials: We honor credentials and the skills and knowledge they bring to bear, the result of diligent study and generations of dedicated research and practice that builds, enriches and develops our understanding of mental-emotional health and well-being. However, foregrounding credentials, the result of accumulated past knowledge, risks trapping us, both clinician and client, in abstractions and mentalizing, diagnosing behavior into previously established categories; risks disembodying the presenting experience. At the Center for Heart-Mind Coherence, we foreground attuned loving presence, wherein healing finds space to unfold in the co-regulation of nervous systems. A dysfunction is simply a function that has not yet been recognized and honored as an original best available coping mechanism under situations that overwhelmed the nervous system. We foreground curiosity and patient witnessing.

2025 Online Group Training:

  • April 25-27 (Phase I of Training);
  • June 27-29 (Phase II of Training);
  • August 29-31 (Phase III of Training);
  • October 24-26 (Phase IV of Training)

On Fridays and Saturdays, the training runs from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm Austin central time, with 45 minutes for lunch and 10-minute breaks each hour. Sundays, the training runs from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm with 45 minutes for lunch and 10-minute breaks each hour.

2025 Individual Training / Online or In-Person

Dates for individual training are flexible. Individual training is held online or in person.
To schedule a training contact Dr. Caroline Eick:

Requirements for acceptance to certification training in Core Emotional Addictions Model

1. Schedule an online personal interview with Caroline Eick. Contact Caroline Eick via email with the title CEAM Certification to schedule the required
2. Following the interview, you will receive an application form to complete and submit along with a non-refundable $450.00 deposit fee.
3. Full payment is due two weeks prior to the first day of training.

The fee for the training is $4,500.00. The book and training manual are included in the fee. For questions and concerns, and information about scholarships and payment plans, contact Caroline Eick: Please indicate for subject: Training in CEAM.