Who Can Benefit?
We work with men and women (18+ years of age) from all walks of life. We believe almost anyone can benefit from our workshops, but especially if you are:
Self-sabotaging without knowing why you are doing it (chronically controlling or giving your power away; isolating or people pleasing; engaging in “all or nothing” behaviors, …)
Recovering from process or substance addictions but not seeing changes in your life
Experiencing difficult transitions (divorce, death of loved one, premature retirement, loss of job, children have left, elderly parents have moved in, …)
Struggling to enjoy, nurture and/or sustain fulfilling relationships(marriage, interpersonal and/or professional relationships; struggling with codependency)
Aware there is more to yourself and life, but you aren’t sure how to get there (feel a need for discovery, want to grow, perhaps you find yourself in a spiritual/existential crisis, …)
Seeking to be a better parent